Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where do you hide your feelings?

In a bottle? In a box? Or in a diary that has a lock?
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I'm not always a happy person, definitely not the happy-go-lucky sort and at times when i've got this thing i need to get off my chest, i'll look for my dog. Uhm... It's not exactly the smartest idea to talk to your dog about issues especially the kind that requires an appropriate advice in return and trust me on this, the horror of him dozing off midway is just waaaaay too frustrating! Then again, at the very least, i can always trust him to keep my secrets, even the ones you told me not to tell anyone about are with him! HAHA! That goes to show how often i talk to Timmy right?

I used to pen alot of my thoughts on this platform but stopped when i can no longer ignore the fact that people are still refreshing this page. Don't get me wrong, i like the concern and the very fact that people even bother is just pleasing to know. I'm not exactly afraid to share the same conversation i have with Timmy here but for some reason, i find that the stuff i put up here are gradually becoming more... factual. I stopped writing, I merely state. Now, you see why the lack of blog post? I would like to once again write about the thoughts and not the occurrences but would first try and seek comfort into writing opinionated materials. Fret not Timmy! Mummy's still here for you! (:
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Soooo... Here's one today. One that baffles even the smartest candidate (aka yours truly). One too filled with many complications. One that may just be an error on its own by nature. Work.

Seriously, humans are probably the most OPTIMISTIC creatures in the entire universe. If not, how else would you explain why people are willing to spend their entire life... working? Besides the innate need to work for money to survive, working, in my opinion, is an utter waste of time and i don't say this because i absolutely hate working or that I'm lazy. I mean, logically, if you were to sit and think, don't you think that it's just not rational that we're all constantly working in a period where it's span is uncertain? (See what i said about optimism?) You can work all your life and plan to tour the world when you retire at 50. Yes, you plan for your future and it's great that you're being so... idealistic. YAY! Yay?

But seriously, what worries me the most is that people are IDEALISTIC even when the stats clearly show that most people die of mishaps and guess what? They're mostly UNPLANNED. What happens when you die at 49? Just one more year to that Utopian life you've been waiting for? Worst! You die at work!

Well, life, i must say, is an irony on it's own.

You know how existentialist are forever stressing that the human essence is conformed by the choices we make and if we all choose to work because we have to, then there isn't even an "essence" because by "essence" it means work. Remember when i say that we're all here for a purpose? Question: What if that exact purpose we've been trying so hard to find is to... WORK?

Maybe it's stated in the bible, the 11th commandment (in fine print of course!). "THOU SHALL WORK DUTIFULLY TILL I DIE."
Just kidding... ((:

Think about what i've said... Don't take me too seriously. As I've said earlier, these are opinionated materials. Mere thoughts coming from a very bored person who happened to be gainfully employed at the moment. Ironic right? HAHA! I can't complain because I want that money. Do i need it? Maybe... But i definitely want that money for some travel plans.

Btw, ever since i started working, there's been this question that constantly haunts me, which happened to inspire me to write what i've just wrote.
"Do i want to spend my entire life like today?"

How about you? Do you like working? Maybe you like working that's why we are in a disagreement. Well then, good luck!

P.S. Want to get away from something? Like a heartache? I'd suggest you WORK. It allows you to lose track of time and it's the best form of distraction. Wala! It's the best remedy if you ever need one.

Arghhh... Someone should really ask me to stop rambling!

Happy CNY folks! See Ya!

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